Christmas Means Tasty Goodies and Possible Tooth Decay

During the holidays, most parents are probably more concerned with their kid’s teeth than their own, but just like kids adults get tooth decay as well. Gingerbread, fudge, gummy Christmas trees, and crack your teeth in an instant peanut brittle are all too tempting, even for the grownups.

From Halloween to January 2 or 3rd holiday, treats and other goodies will be flowing like champagne at a wedding reception. Holiday parties with sticky fruit cake and mulled wine will not only cause dangerous acids to cause tooth destroying bacteria, but the red wine from your favorite sangria will stain your teeth. Everyone has seen someone who obviously hasn’t looked in the mirror after a couple of glasses of red wine.

According to your Thousand Oaks Cosmetic Dentist, tooth decay is one of the biggest reasons that dental visits increase in January. Toothaches and broken crowns can sometimes mean emergency visits to your Dentist in Thousand Oaks.

Of course, there are some things that you can do to keep tooth decay and bay and still enjoy the party.

Keep a few travel sized toothbrush kits in your glove compartment. Regardless of how small your purse is, keep one with you. You never know what might happen when you start sampling from the buffet table.

Try eating sweets along with a carb loaded meal. Eat plenty of veggies like carrots and broccoli, and don’t forget the celery as it really is nature’s dental floss. Snack on petit fours and mince pies in-between and don’t forget to rinse after you eat.

If a tooth has been bothering you, it is imperative that you call your Dentist in Thousand Oaks as soon as possible. Trying to get through the holidays in one piece is a miracle in itself and the last thing you want to add to the mix is a bad toothache.

The team from Dr. Burton and Oaks Smile wishes everyone a wonderful holiday full of family, friends, great food, and drink. We are thankful to have you as part of our family and look forward to seeing you in the New Year. In the meantime, don’t forget to brush!