Preventive Care Services
Your comfort is our highest dentistry priority, so preventive care is obviously a key part of our service for you. The services listed below help us identify any areas of possible concern early enough to save you invaluable time and money. This reduces the risk of painful problems or more extensive procedures later. We use the best technology for your preventive care services and feel confident you’ll be satisfied with the results!
- Cleaning or Prophylaxis
- Periodic Exams
- Fluoride and Varnish
- Sealants
- Night Guards
- Athletic Mouth Guards
- Gum Disease Treatment
Restorative and Cosmetic Services
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We understand no one could overstate the connection between your self-esteem and the look of your smile. It’s natural for humans to evaluate themselves based on other people’s reaction, and since a smile is often the first thing people see, their reaction commonly stems from the look of our smile. If there’s something about your smile you feel could be better, such as the shape of the teeth, or their arrangement, or elimination of gaps between them, then Dr. Burton has a solution! We want you to be confident and proud as you meet others. Let us know at your next appointment about your concerns, and some of the following services may be among our potential suggestions. Then, we’ll carefully explain to you what potential solution there may be so you’ll know exactly what can take place to restore your mouth to ideal health and your confidence to peak smile pride!
- Tooth-Colored Fillings
- Porcelain Veneers
- Implants
- Whitening
- Bonding
- All-Porcelain Crowns, Onlays and Inlays
- Bridges
- Implant Supported Dentures
- Root Canals
- Recontouring

Gum Disease Treatment
Gum disease is one of the most common problems plaguing dental patients today, but our patients find that early diagnosis of any potential gum problems and our appropriate treatment is powerfully reassuring to them. Dr. Burton uses special and amazingly comfortable procedures to treat many periodontal problems without surgical intervention. Never let gum disease be a problem for you or your family. Dr. Burton and his team will closely monitor the condition of your soft tissue, and make sure you’re aware of the ways you can fully maximize your long-term health.
- Charting and Diagnostic Services
- In-Office Ultrasonic Cleansing Therapy
- Deep Cleaning (Scaling and Root Planing)
Snoring and Sleep Apnea Services
We believe that how you sleep can affect your health. Several studies have shown that sleep is a necessity for our overall health. If you snore or have been told that you snore there is a chance that you may have Sleep Apnea. We offer a take home sleep study to evaluate if you have Sleep Apnea and if you do, if you are a good candidate for an oral appliance instead of a CPAP machine. Let us know at your next appointment if you snore or have been told that you snore and we will set you up with a take home study.
- Sleep Study (Take-Home)
- Snoring Appliances
- CPAP Alternatives
Patient Comfort and Technology
With our digitized equipment, we have implemented all of the latest technologically advanced equipment for your benefit. To us, patient comfort and technology go hand-in-hand.
- Digital Imaging
- Digital Radiography
- Digital Impressions
- Digital/3-D Implant Planning
- Cone Beam CT Technology (Offered at Contracted Labs)
- Intra-Oral Camera
- In-office Antibiotic Treatment
- Chairside Computers